We Believe in the Power of Video


You might be curious as to what really makes a video powerful, or successful, or worth its value. You've probably heard that video can make a difference but you have not personally experienced that... YET.

We believe in the power of video.

Here are some statistics that back up that belief.

Whether you're involved in a B2B or B2C business, did you know that 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video? Plus, 59% of senior executives agree that if both text and video are available on the same topic on the same page, they prefer to watch video.

For those of you who are in the marketing industry — or are tasked with improving your company's marketing — 97% of marketers say video has helped users gain a better understanding of their products and services. On top of that, 90% of users say that product videos are helpful in the decision-making process. These stats are only growing due to the world of Covid-19 and its demand for online markets.

In the year 2022, if you're not applying video to your marketing and sales strategy, you're avoiding the best way to grow your business.

If you're still not sure how video is going to improve your business, start with a video for your website's landing page. You can have an 80% increase in conversion rates when video is included on a landing page. Need help getting started with video, check out our other blog Starting Your Custom Brand Video.

The truth is, video is here to stay. It's not going away anytime soon. 55% of people watch videos online on a daily basis, and more than half of those demand more video content on top of what they are already consuming. Over 500 million people use Instagram Stories EVERY SINGLE DAY. In 2022, 82% of the global internet traffic will come from streaming videos and downloads.

But here's what we know, a decision is made on more than just percentages and spreadsheets. Numbers and stats can only get you so far if they don't tell a story. At the end of the day, we believe the true power of video is in the story.

People are inherently empathetic. A study by the University of Virginia states that people are hardwired to empathize. So what does that mean for you? You need to MAKE THEM FEEL.

Be Authentic. Be Vulnerable. Be Honest.

Don't be shy in your story telling, but take a risk with your video content.

People don't want to hear just about your success. They want to hear how you

  • Took something from bad to good;

  • Changed something from its lowest point to the best it has ever been;

  • Identified a problem that they connect with and have created a solution for them.

You need to create a reason for people to care.

Stories make us feel a part of something bigger than ourselves.

One definition of Storytelling is the use of visual, literary, auditory, or other creative media to educate, inform, entertain, or inspire an audience to take action. This is why video is the perfect tool, it encompasses all those attributes of storytelling.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then imagine what you can communicate through video.

"Tell your story. Take the data of your life and turn it into real people doing real things and you will move mountains and you will change the world." - Dave Lieber from his Ted Talk.


If you want to learn more about how to begin the journey of telling your companies story, check out Starting Your Custom Brand Video.


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