Starting Your Custom Brand Video


You've heard over and over again about how important video is for a company’s growth and for any marketing strategy. If you have a company that is in need of any online presence (which, let's be honest, is every company) you know video is essential. But where do you start?

Knowing where to begin is sometimes the most daunting task. But don't worry, we got you covered. We'll help you understand what it takes to having an eye-catching brand video that will separate you from your competition and truly connect with your audience.

For every great brand video that's out there, there's hundreds of bad ones. Now, we're not going to shame those companies and the filmmakers that produced those videos, but you know you've seen a few of them. So what is it that separates the good from the bad? The simple answer is storytelling. It's storytelling that builds a connection with audiences and draws them in.

Let's take a look at some of our favorite brand videos from companies that we think are doing it right.



Netflix has made their mission simple, to entertain the world. Have they done it? We think so. And this video definitely helps support that feeling. Especially with the recent success of shows like Squid Game, Netflix is proven they can entertain the entire world.


This video by LSUE is one of our favorites; this story takes you on the journey of discovering our character’s purpose as she does step-by-step. For most, school, education, and choosing a school is a daunting task. This video takes the viewer on a journey that leaves them feeling motivated and excited in taking those steps into finding their purpose.


At the time of this video, CarlNann was introducing their newly relaunched brand. This video was a beautiful example of how their new look fit in all aspects of marketing and design. In two minutes, they were able to both inspire their audience and inform their team.


To make a case for the importance of their work, Seagate created this incredible commercial. Using a variety of moments and visuals, they both show and state the importance of finding new ways to expand how we store data or — as they titled this video — memories.


Now this video is much older than these other examples but we think that's important. Dove came out with this campaign back in 2013 and it still holds up. Why is that? Because it's telling a story that is still relevant to this day. Just another reason why story-focused brand videos are excellent investments. Dove's vision is to see a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety, and this video perfectly portrays that.


Like we said, the one thing these videos all have in common is a focus on storytelling. It's through that storytelling that you're able to connect with your audience, elevate your brand, and share you story.

There's a lot of work that goes in to creating a brand video. From concept, to storyboarding, to the day of filming, it's important that you have the right team for the job.

If you want to get serious about elevating your brand through video, sign up below to receive our Complete Guide to Your Video Marketing Strategy. This tool will help simplify how you look at tackling your company's next brand video.


Here are some other resources that will be really helpful.

  • Your Video Marketing Partner

  • Avoiding the Most Expensive Video Marketing Mistakes


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